Where Buy BellRoy purse wallet SEOUL Korea

very-protective-wallet-russet-1_1024x1024_$64.95 very-protective-wallet-russet-6_1024x1024 take-out-wallet-chai-6_1024x1024 take-out-wallet-chai-1_1024x1024_$129.95 take-out-wallet-chai-5_1024x1024 bellroy-wallet-range

BellRoy shipping ratewhile they do ship to South Korea in reasonable freight, over a dozen local On-Line Shopping Malls are listed on their Official BellRoy website retailers page also . these are independent stores and none among the larger ones, thus reputable for exchange and refund run by conglomerates .

by precise calculation : local price is a bit higher compared to shipping from Australia, but a common problem exist in that the more attractive color variations are NOT available on neither, as in Russet (red) color from the thick Very Protective Wallet for a pack of credit cards and Chai (beige) among the long and sleek Take Out wallet lines -_- disastruous since selective color is vital when choosing from the usual beige, brown or black colors common to most leather purse or wallet .

1~2 Week shipping is FREE from Australia, with option to add $9 to reduce delivery date in half 😉 thus Korean prices seem to be cleverly matched to compete with those if you choose expedited shipping .

again, above model and colors are sold-out on the Official Australian site but after extensive search : Very Protective in Russet (red) is available at Korean On-Line store but at a 30~50% price hike ?! Alas, the greed of man-kind //



( May 10th Update ) had to dig-in at eBay as some vendors had the selective colors above, especially Take Out in Chai (beige) but all is re-stock on Australia’s Official site as well as local On-Line Store . only difference is that prices are still a tad more local .

( The Song : End-of-May ) while some of the unique colors mentioned at the top of this Post were sold-out all-together in Australia HQ : local Korean On-Line malls were selling them at almost 50% more IF they had them -_- Ah ~ the tragedy of added-premium .. but now both are well re-stocked and interPark has a slightly cheaper edge if you consider expedited shipping Yippee ~


( July 1st User Review ) got both models above in shown colors and disappointed on both :

  • red brick-colored Very Protective – cheap vinyl plastic texture, small and thin
    the product photo on the Official BellRoy website is mis-leading shown with 16 credit cards AND dollar bills, because only 12 would actually fit without any room for extra bills to be zipped-up .
  • beige-color Take Out – nice rough-bare leather but bloated-thick
    and makes it further thick due to an extra leather in-let flap for more credit cards and bills un-folded .


– Korea Expat BLog –

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