as a child growing up in the truly European hub in the Orient : your joyous memories are of Stanley Beach at South-East end of Hong Kong island . then after grown-up, another joyous locale await you every time you re-visit the ever-changing densely-populated expatriate island : Horizon Plaza outlet building housing designer-brand clothes, unique interior furnitures and even a homely pet-shop . and being at the mercy of supposedly-regulated taxis unless you actually live in the island with a car : plans of Hong Kong MTR subway lines extending this far-South is quite welcome . ofcourse The South island Line is mis-leading as it barely reaches the mid-West tip of the whole Hong Kong island – that is to the Aberdeen area .
[ East ] previewed for opening end of 2016
- Admiralty ⇔ (Aberdeen Tunnel) ⇔ Ocean Park ⇔ Wong Chuk Hang ⇔ Lei Tung ⇔ South Horizons
[ West ] awaiting approval as of January 2016
- Hong Kong MTR – South island East Line – Official WebSite ≫LiNK≪
– At the beginning of the Year of the Apes upon the third Millennium on Planet Earth, Korea Expat BLog –