DongDaeMun MAP

The most up-to-date, easy to understand, one-page geographical guide to SEOUL,
there-for Korea’s textile AND mid-night apparel whole-sale district



LOST is another term – aside from the lame TV-series where a rag-tag group of passengers survive, stranded on an exotic island to end-up on its ritual final episode to be in fact : DEAD – is where you will be in a unique area even my Post-Millennium, Global standards in an area where savvy consumers 24 hours, as well as boutique owners from around the Peninsula flock over the wee hours of the night . for the place is huge~ and constantly changing .. evolving in sort-of a harmonious manner, with a bulk of the classic old whole-sale buildings still intact after say, almost half a Century 0o0 ofcourse it started from rubbles right after the Korean War, with the most drastic sky-soaring developments in the last 15 years .

and as in my former Life I was a traveling map-maker from Scottish HighLands to the East mountain range on the Korean Peninsula : what better way to round it all up in a series of clear, concise maps ?!

even at that : the first obstacle you will face, will be many myriad of maps dotting all the buildings that adorn the area, which surprissingly seem alike but specific buildings and layout quite different (?) this is because they come from several sources, understandable as so many companies operate this area with their own agendas AND made at different times as this area is always budging as the whole-sale species evolve . at face-value, you only want to know what is currently correct, but it is a tad fun to know how each buildings have changed over the times, along with their intended target and actual clientel .



you know this is a major traffic hub, when you see FIVE subway lines inter-crossing in SIX stations around the whole of DongDaeMun Market .


in the most largest picture DongDaeMun Market consists of SIX different store-types :

  1. Textile Market (retail and whole-sale inter-wind) shown on the North-West BLOCK on map below,
  2. Shoe Market across the actual East Gate “DongDaeMun” this whole area is named, i.e., North-East BLOCK
  3. Retail buildings where anything goes so you have to bargain, extensively (but no threat-screaming like the Silk Market in the center of Beijing) are mostly along lower-floor (4~5) buildings on West BLOCK,
  4. Retail buildings with set price tag, are usually on newer high-buildings but beware : there are exceptions
  5. Central BLOCK below conform to BOTH consumers as well as boutique owners, adjusting price u(sually buying two-or-more gears to the latter)
  6. Whole-Sale-ONLY buildings, form the bulk of East, Far-East and South-East BLOCKS

[one-half-first]1 . 굿모닝시티 (GoodMorningCity)
2 . 헬로apm (Hello apm)
3 . 밀리오레 (Migliore)
4 . 두산타워 (DOOTA)
5 . 평화시장 (PyungHwa Market)
6 . 케레스타 (CERESTAR)
7 . 통일상가  A, B, C동 (Tong-il Market)
8 . 동화상가 (DongHwa Market)
9 . 에리어식스 (Area 6)
10. 광희패션몰 (KwangHee Fashion Mall)

11. 신평화패션타운 (ShinPyeongHwa Fashion Town)
12. 남평화시장 (NamPyungHwa)
13. 디오트 (TheOT)
14. 유어스 (U:US)
15. 제일평화시장 (JeilPyeongHwa)
16. 누죤 (Nuzzon)
17. 자파 (ZAPA)
18. apm (apm)
19. 골든타운 (Golden Town)
20. 디자이너클럽 (Designer Club)
[/one-half-first] [one-half]
21. 팀204 (Team 204)
22. 혜양엘리시움 (Elicium)
23. 유니온30 (Union 30)
24. 아트프라자 (Art Plaza)
25. 테크노상가 (Techno Market)
26. 동평화시장 (DongPyeongHwa)
27. 청평화시장 (CheongPyeongHwa)
28. 동대문종합상가 (DongDaeMun General Store / Textile Market)
29. 동대문신발상가 (DongDaeMun Shoes Store)
30. 동대문보세의류 도매시장, 신청계의류상가
(DongDaeMun Bonded Wear WholeSale Market, New CheongGye Store)

31. 실크로드 (SilkLoad)
32. 라모도 (Ramodo)
33. 패션TV (Fashion TV)
34. 아카시아호텔 (Acacia Hotel)
35. 맥스타일 (Maxtyle)
36. 국립의료원 (National Medical Centre)
37. 동대문 디자인플라자 & 파크 (DongDaeMun Design Plaza and Park)



– Mid-Summer 2013, Korea Expat BLog –



12.12.28 DongDaeMun Apparel WholeSale Market

DongDaeMun Apparel WholeSale Market

14.7.2 DongDaeMun East Gate Market Open Hours

DongDaeMun East Gate Market Open Hours

12.12.28 DongDaeMun FAQ

DongDaeMun FAQ

13.8.2 DongDaeMun Apparel WholeSale Market Summer Vacation Holiday Dates Closed 2013

DongDaeMun Apparel WholeSale Market Summer Vacation Holiday Dates Closed 2013

13.9.13 DongDaeMun Market SEOUL ChuSeok ThanksGiving Holidays Closed Dates 2013

DongDaeMun Market SEOUL ChuSeok ThanksGiving Holidays Closed Dates 2013

4 thoughts on “DongDaeMun MAP

  1. Hi,
    Im planning to visit seoul in the month of July for my clothing business. I want to explore wholesale markets for women clothes, accessories and shoes. Pls guide me with the wholesale market names or outlet names.


  2. Hi,
    I’ll have 12 hours layover in Seoul next week and would like to go shopping for fabrics. Should I go to building 28 or 7 on your map? What exit # should I take once getting off the subway line 4? Thanks for your help.

    1. SEOUL Subway Line 4 Exit 9 to building No.28 on above map. but be forewarned this really is a maze you find in dungeon quest games, so great if you have a whole afternoon between flight connections .
      if you get really tired a new JW Marriott opened 2014 with quite an expensive sauna/spa/massage parlour – right at the subway exit mentioned

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