Contemporary Art Fair Calendar

[ about me ]

“ You can call me… Art Collector. And as you can see,
I’m a lot happier than when I wasn’t .
still I have given a name to my pain, and it is Haibara .
– Where does she get those wonderful toys ?”

” but I’m only laughing on the outside
/ for my smile is just skin deep
/ and if you could see inside, I’m really crying
from all the mishap Reality has burdened on me…
/ You might join me for a weep.”

[ about this BLog ]

“ These are the voyages of Art Day BLogger,
it’s continuing mission to explore wonderfully-strange~ new art fairs,
to seek out new galleries and artists,
to boldly go where NO art collector has gone before.”

[ intro ] Schedule preview of international Contemporary art fairs, mostly around the Pacific Rim then hovering-over onto the Atlantic from Miami Beaches deep onto Swiss Alps . many but the most robust (ball-park : two-dozen World-Wide) venues goes dead and its websites remain a doldrum in CyberSpace, adding to the confusion which event will be held & where this year . this Expatriate BLog cleans this up, thus has the most current and correct dates of Globally-renowned art shows and newer contemporary exhibitions in the Orient and South-East Asia – Updated every Season for seeking those that I collect and sometimes to sell . note, these aren’t comparable to commercial conventions nor industrial exhibitions – as frequent thus extravagant buyers are touted to the venues’ earlier First View, then public entry as more-and-more requires payment – some considerable on hyped, renowned venues .

plus, as if to add some sugar or salt : more frequent minor “hotel fairs” – which began in Basel/Miami – popping-up suddenly – some even without a web-site, as those in the Orient are mostly small group efforts to promote newer artists and galleries in tiny hotel rooms, where they rent 1~3 floors for about 2~3 days . it really is time-consuming, for you have to go into each room to verify its content .

then there are Worldly rather classical auctions, where popular subjects go further beyond laymen’s reach and some may never see the light-of-day or LED again, but behold! almost everyone can actually go see pre-Auction Viewings of such master-pieces !

[ Annual Calendar iNDEX ]

  • 2009 & 2010 ≫LiNK
  • 2011 & 2012 ≫LiNK
  • 2013 & 2014 ≫LiNK
  • 2015 & 2016 ≫LiNK
  • 2017 & 2018 ≫LiNK
  • 2019 & 2020 ≫LiNK
  • 2021 & 2022 ≫LiNK
  • 2023 & 2024 ≫LiNK
  • 2025 & 2026 ≫LiNK

[ F.A.Q.]

  1. V.i.P.
  2. Public:

[ about You ]

“ Have you ever danced with the Devil, in the pale moon-light?”

with an Ode to the most quiet-but-sensuous Artist, this side of the Pillars of Hercules – and yes she is /real/

and ofcourse there is the sad-story: that she such an introvert as most helpless artists are, had to take upper pills with “long-hair”(actual On-Line nick) friend who is also

– Art Day BLog, March 2009 –
e_m_a_i_l : artday_at_spamex_dot_com

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