Korea Expat BLog


in the order-of sheer-size:

  1. Sokcho 2413sq.m.-divided into five-floors – is the largest in ALL-of the Korean-Peninsula at the classic beach-vacation destination to the East.
  2. Banpo Express-Bus Terminal 2149sq.m.is the largest in the Capitol-of-SEOUL, part-of Central-City Mall-Complex in the posh GangNam-District just-South of the Han-River.
  3. Hanam Starfield-Mall 1983sq.m.is the largest confined in a single-floor, at the mega-shopping complex at the East-end of SEOUL Metropolis boundaries.
  4. Myeong-Dong 1653sq.m.is the second-largest in SEOUL – however divided into 12 floors, at the Northern-end of Korea’s original fashion-avenue Number-one now: shopping-hub for Chinese-AND-Japanese tourists.


– Korea Expat BLog, updated May 2024 –

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