Before and After : Day and Night
at the top of eBay’s LISTING PAGE which is where items being sold are described with photo images : is a link to its owner profile page . this is a basic website template with several paragraphs to describe yourself, because members who consider buying your stuff would like to know about you as you will purchase something without actually seeing nor touching the actual merchandise . then around two years ago they inserted a [me] logo beside your user ID : stating this is your new “About ME” Page . here you could write more paragraphs than the simple Profile Page . it was a small extension of your existing Profile Page and I wondered why they decided to put a similar gag beside a page already explaining the seller or buyer .
come March 2014 you realize your “About ME” Page cannot be made nor edited and only awaiting the mercy of your deletion . the link state this “About ME” Page is no longer approachable from February 17 and will be gone June 2 . instead they have enlarged their original Profile Page so that you may write a series of Reviews and Guides . and for the Seller and/or Buyer who had been planning photo images and short contents on either : another time to dance to the tune of shifting eBay design . the least they can do is ponder long enough to decide if this is what they want, and if instigated : stick on it long enough so that members can have time to get the feel of it, duh .
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