if you are from abroad you find some amenities are quite expensive, then some not even available when this once-devastated nation has now developed full-scale . so you end up buying from eBay, as well as begin selling those that you do not need any more . then there is Amazon for more specific needs . among the many conspiracy theories, you come to realize eBay is far from perfect – understandable as purchasing something you haven’t even touched seem appalling even in the now-networked Global age . and although it really does seems to offer the most fairest system for both seller and buyer, some glitches come-and-go but stay quite a while as the administrators dig for a way to solve problems lurking in a super network hovering a dozen of different countries’ systems . a good example is their trial of “about me” page on top of each members’ profile page and store-front for those who have opted to pay more for eBay Stores – now ended after members have spent time conjuring-up cutesy banners and introductions just for this duh uh . then came “business policies” which in the most basic definition : makes templates of payment, shipping and return options that you can save to use on other Listings . ofcourse you can save 10 varying templates for your whole Listing, to edit there-after for each unique Listing (selling page). and this “business policies” is a total word for the smaller templates within . Yes it is meant to simplify selling after you have set several policies perhaps divided into price categories . only many users are now complaining because it stops working all of a sudden : like you cannot edit edit existing policies nor create a new one where a prompt window will pop-up in the middle of making a Listing :
” You can’t get started with business policies right now “
the same when you try to access your policies from your account page : by selecting [My Account] tab on top and trying to select [Business Policies] menu at Left – where the same prompt fore-mentioned will pop-up . in simple terms : you are stuck in a doldrum, unable to do anything . as many are complaining on eBay forums, where for some their business policies were automatically placed into their account, while in essence it would be there if you chose use it from your account as explained on the previous paragraph above . and if you are the unfortunate one to be stuck : the only solution to this currently is to contact eBay Support and notify you have this problem as the whole “business policies” is an unstable system . support staff will eMail you back that they will get into it, while providing you with a link where you can access your “business policies” and also where you can now choose to “opt-out” and do without this another unsuccessful eBay endeavour : http://www.bizpolicy.ebay.com/businesspolicy/manage here you will now be able to see all previous Payment, Shipping and Return policies you have made so far . edit it if you want to, but push the [opt-out] button at top-Right .