Korea Expat BLog

Lunar New Year 2014

Google’s main search page has a deserving decoration around their multi-color logo, around major holidays or events . and this time around : Korean Lunar New Years . neighboring Chinese have a more massive holiday during the festivity and here is the Korean version of a relatively small culture, although quite old . and their illustration depict so well the ritual on-goings expressed in cute comic-form . 
ofcourse the fold-out table (tucked-away for use perhaps 2~3 times a year) would not be such (multi-) color-full, while traditional clothes are especially on women’s – instead mahogany brown nation-wide .

probably the closest a foreigner will come in contact with such scene, would be the traditional clothing portion of a wedding . while this would be re-enacted three times throughout a typical Korean year : Lunar New Years, ThanksGiving and passing anniversary of parents or grand . the lumpuous array of dishes are first put on table/s to pay respect to those passed, after which they are re-sorted for the whole participating family members to devour upon .


since the industrial age – under military dictorships after the Korean War, the core of the State were foremost developed mostly around the Capital of SEOUL . thus a bulk of the populace have gathered around here – so much so that a handful of satellite cities had to be formed around the mammoth metropolis . that is why when traditional holiday Week-End comes : a massive exodus jams traffic along rurual highways as they all try to return to their home-town . and this a chance for you in the city to venture around the most inner-city blocks as they are barren, quiet as if from a holocaust science fiction movie ..

in effect : this should be compared with a comic poster of the classic TV-series The Jetsons, for Post-Millennium Koreans really are – with the exception of a maid robot (how about a talking rice-cooker and roaming vacuum cleaner ?) and flying limousine (but a neat system of bus and subway may substitute for this), especially if fortunate enough to dwel in one of the high-rise apartment complexes . and even if not : with all electric home appliance and electronics gadgetry in a home or office with one of the five-fastest internet connection on Planet Earth .


Yes as a fully-developed nation : post-modern Koreans celebrate Christmas and New Years too, but more as a romantic night to go out as is Valentines 😉 thus restaurants and clubs charge premium -_-

– Happy um, Korea Expat BLog –

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