Korea Expat BLog

Freitag Bob Racing Stripe

there are many who collect solid colors, and some with letters or even photos .
but in my experience of watching the girls go by um, I mean many, many Freitags On-Line as well as in stores : racing stripes complement best this genre of recycled tarps made-into cycle-hurdling bags .

  • solids are too plain, especially for the premium price you pay for a Swiss hand-made product .
  • and you feel at mercy seeking for letters that make sense, as they are torn from truck covers which mostly carried the company name and/or their promotion advertisement . and to cut a small part of it .. it is too much to expect the right words to appear on the shelf .
  • then there are photos, but because they have been initially enlarged quite large to cover tanker-trucks : its corners are often out-of-focus thus only readable from an observer far away from you .

compared to the above : racing stripes come natural from vivid colors originally intended to double as ads, and the real fact that this was made for constantly moving trucks, and now recycled for shifting bicycles 😉

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