Koreans in the South join the peak Summer vacation migration from last Week of July (when annual Oriental Monsoon rainy season ends around July 25) through the first Week of August and the golden-time for holiday lasting until mid-August (so the most expensive time to travel). this is only second and third to Korean ThanksGiving and Chinese Lunar NEW Years when those who have moved onto the Capital of SEOUL go back home in mass-exodus . ofcourse this extreme would be much-less due to on-going Corona Virus but also rainy season comes late this year : raining the whole Week of July 27 Monday through the first Week of August 2020, so the main vacation would be delayed a Week . add-to this the once-massive Japanese consumer shoppers and Chinese whole-sale merchants all seem much-less to be seen during this minimal-time to travel would be a good time for those masked & glove-up . still note the day-and-night difference between consumer vs. whole-sale ONLY buildings – all explained in detail in YongSan Electronics Market dedicated Page on Top Menu .
before starting : do not complain as to how there is not much information to shop in DongDaeMun (that is East Gate Market, while NamDaeMun – South Gate Market is more scattered ofcourse as they concern much more product categories than textile and apparel, thus have to shop-as-you-go) especially whole-sale, as the point is to purchase subtle for yourself and your boutique without letting the whole World know of its source // all dates here-in are from Official announcements and bulletins from each concerned building so-say there could be at-most 3-mistakes which makes this the most informative apparel whole-sale information source in English :
[ NORTH-WEST] this is the old-downtown area West of the NEW JW Marriott DongDaeMun Square SEOUL Hotel and the actual ancient West-Gate pagoda)
GwangJang ShiJang (Market and is NOT in GwangJangDong – an area further East of SEOUL boundaries is the whole huge block South-West of SEOUL Subway Line 6 JongRo 5-Ga Station Exit 8 cluttered with tiny rows of small stores although mostly known for mens tailor fabrics) will close August 8 Saturday morning, to re-open August 16 Sunday evening . OK
DongDaeMun integrated Market (JongHap ShiJang : immensly large bedding and fabric building – divided into a maze of blocks and floors once inside) will close August 2 Sunday until 5 Wednesday . OK
[ NORTH-EAST] ( whole area containing toys, shoes, birds and aquarium sectors on the Northern bank of CheongGaeCheon waterways East-ward from the actual ancient East Gate : DongDaeMun )
*CheongGyeCheon Shoes Market (third long West-East-narrow building, East of the actual East Gate monument running parallel along the Northern bank of CheongGaeCheon waterways) will close August 10 Monday until 16 Sunday for 7 FULL Days.
*CheongGye (pronounced Chung-Gae) 6-Ga UnderGround Shopping Center (a block South of DongDaeMun Subway Station) will be open through-out 2020 – understandable as this is the passage for all, including Chinese tourist using the subway
[ WEST BLOCK ] (mostly tall, consumer-oriented buildings where some need bargaining)
*PyeongHwa Clothing Market (considered the original apparel market building in DongDaeMun selling OEM surplus to frugal Korean consumers) : closes August 8 Saturday 6pm to re-open 16 Sunday 10pm after Eight full-days OFF 2020 OK
*Tong-il SangGa (Re-Unification Market as some old buildings are named with memories of the Korean War still ripe) , while accessories stores will (some will not) close earlier from August 2 Sunday to re-open 5 Wednesday, while apparel section closes August 9 Sunday to re-open 16 Sunday night 2020. OK
*DongHwa SangGa (Korean of East Flower Market) : closes August 3 Monday until 5 Wednesday for three-days 2020. OK
*HyunDai Outlet City, DongDaeMun Branch will ONLY close on Chinese LUNAR NEW Years January 25 Saturday 2020
Doota Mall : will operate as usual considering this is the shopping land-mark for consumers 2020 (normal hours 10:30am~next morning 5am, Sundays until midnight) OK
*Migliore : will close much later on August 20 Thursday to 24 Monday OK
Good Morning City : 2020-TBA (normal open hours 10:30am~1am closed Tuesdays) OK
[ EAST BLOCK ] ( whole-sale, mostly open at nights )
*ShinPyeongHwa Fashion Town (translates into NEW Peace Market) : closes August 8 Saturday 5pm. to re-open August 16 Sunday evening 9pm, after a full 8-day holiday in 2020 (normal open hours: 4th Floor 9am~4pm, 2 & 3rd Floors 9pm~next morning 10am and Saturdays midnight ’til noon closed Sundays, ground Floor & under-ground 9pm until next day afternoon 5pm, building exterior stores 8am~8pm) OK
*NamPyeongHwa Sanga /South Peace Market, the West-East-long building just South of CheongGaeCheon waterflow (which was the highway running West-East across downtown of the Capital from Liberation Day 1976 until June 30 2003 when it was demolished to make-way for this peace-ful water-way giving sojourn to the now-massive city-dwellers Post-Millennium)
– closes August 8 Saturday and 2nd & 3rd Floors selling apparel re-open August 17 Monday night at 8pm, while 1st ground Floor & under-ground Floor selling bags that mid-night 2020 (normally open midnight ’til noon) OK
*Max Style now re-modeled, to close August 8 Saturday 6pm, to re-open 17 Monday evening at 8pm 2020 (normal open hours 10am~5am, Saturdays until 5pm with break times 6~8pm and Sundays 8pm~ next morning 5am) OK
Jeil PyeongHwa ShiJang (translates into First Peace Market) close August 8 Saturday 5pm to re-open August 16 Sunday evening 9pm (normal open hours 9am~5:30pm 8pm~next morning 5am, Saturdays until 5pm and Sundays 9pm~5am) 2020 OK
GwangHee Fashion Mall : 2020-TBA (normal hours 8pm~next morning 5am closed Saturdays 5am~Sundays 8pm)
BelPost WholeSale : will close August 8 Saturday to re-open 17 Monday evening 2020 (normal hours 8pm~ next morning 5am closed Saturdays, while Ground Floor opens 9am~5pm 8pm~5am and Saturdays 9am~4pm) OK
*DongPyeongHwa Fashion Town (East Peace Market): will close August 8 Saturday and 1st ground-Floor and under-ground Floor will re-open August 16 Sunday evening, while upper 2nd~4th Floors will open 17 Monday morning 2020. OK
Art Plaza : will close August 8 Saturday to re-open 17 Monday evening 2020 OK
AllNeo-W (strangely pronounced Olleo-W in Korean) 2020-TBA
SeoPyeongHwa SangGa (West Peace Market in Korean, but on the East section of DongDaeMun market area in reality) still closed for re-modeling.. 2020
*HaeYang Elysium : will close August 8 Saturday in the wee~hours at 2am to re-open August 17 Monday night 9pm 2020. OK
Studio W Whole-Sale building, just East of Elysium 1st ground Floor & 2nd Floors for ladies and upper 3rd~5th Floors for men : normally open from 8pm until 6am the next morning, will close August 8 Saturday to re-open 17 Monday evening OK
*Techno Sanga (Tech Market in Korean – NOT electronics products at all) closes August 8 Saturday Sun-rise at 6am to re-open August 16 Sunday night 11am after nine-full days-OFF 2020 OK
DWP Fashion Mall re-modeled from Dong-Won Plaza and located right next to Techno Sanga on the Eastern part of DongDaeMun Apparel District : mostly sells ladies apparel (from under-ground up to 3rd Floors while 4~7th Floors are Office-space) and dining (upper 8 & 9th Floors) for 24 hours without closing . for 2020 Summer vacation they will close August 8 Saturday at 6am to re-open August 16 Sunday 11 pm for 9 full-days . OK
*ChungPyeongHwa Shijang (Blue Peace Market in Korean) closes early morning August 10 Monday 6am until 16 Sunday for 7-full days, to re-open 16 Sunday night 11:50pm 2020 (normal open hours from midnight until noon, Saturdays until 6am and closed Sundays) OK
*Theot : to close August 9 Sunday morning 6am, to re-open August 16 Sunday night at 11:50pm 2020 (normal open hours from midnight until noon, Saturdays until 6am and closed Sundays) OK
*DDP (DongDaeMun Plaza) Fashion Mall formerly U:US (pronounced U-yours), closes August 8 Saturday mid-night to re-open August 17 Monday evening 8:10pm for 9 full-days 2020. OK
Team204 : 2020-TBA
*Nuzzon Fashion Mall : closes August 8 Saturday to re-open 17 Monday evening at 8pm 2020 (normal hours: 8pm~6am and closed Saturdays 6am ’til Sundays 8pm) OK
Designer Club WholeSale : will close August 8 Saturday to re-open 17 Monday evening 2020 (normally open 8pm~6am closed Saturdays) OK
Golden Town : 2020-TBA (normally open 9am~6pm closed Sundays) OK
APM Lux : will close August 8 Saturday to re-open 17 Monday 8pm 2020 (closing for 9 full-days, normally open 8am~next morning 5am, closed Saturdays) OK
*APM Fashion Mall : will close August 8 Saturday to re-open August 17 Monday eveing 8pm for 9 full-days 2020 (normal hours 8am~next morning 5am, closed Saturdays) OK
[ SOUTH-WEST ] ( newer consumer retail buildings )
*Hello APM : 2020-TBA
*Lotte Fit-in : will operate as usual ! as this is the new shopping building for consumers 2020 OK
[ SOUTH-WEST ] ( newer buildings )
APM Place : 2020-TBA (normal hours 2pm~next morning 5am, closed Saturdays and Sundays open at 7pm)
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