A cool scene at the airport is when you spot a pure-solid white hard-cover luggage with messy scratches and dents on it – kinda telling its story . yet some owners may want to protect it, also from when it rains especially the ones you check-in . most in the Orient have experienced a cheap Chinese-made cover which tears on the first flight . then there are those sold in Japan : with the most assortment of colors and design .
and those MADE IN (SOUTH) KOREA : NOT as cheap as Chinese NOR stylish those made in neighboring Japan, but a couple of vendors make their own instead leaning on cheap imports . this series is made of relatively thick fabric originally intended to make camping tents, and I have found them quite sturdy after three short flights . from a private seller with a couple of temporary or migrating names, usually going only by On-Line market ID, so better to search by photos and model numbers . here introducing three of their models with slightly differing colors, and how they are tightened .
I like TG-100 above the most which seem to be their earlier model . has a wide-single row of ties on the back to tighten on loose-fitting trunks . the flaps for two luggage handles are open but is quite-well designed to be closed except when handling . its only weakness may be a flimsy-weak looking single buckle to tie around the bottom .
TS-701 below (first photo) uses different approach on the handles as well as a wide elastic band around the sides to tighten on luggage, plus more firm closure at the bottom via wide-velcro (also on top handle flap). [Post-Update] two rather thin strings used to tie-around on the sides, got lost after a flight, so had to find an alternative rope, with which the whole set-up looks quite stupid //
their latest model TS-801 (above three rows) is the only model which does not come with any way to tighten on loose-fitting trunks (which I found is better strength-wise), thus should be purchased after measuring your luggage . this is also their first model to use zippers to close both luggage handle openings, but is over-kill .
- TG-100
SIZE S for 20~22″luggage measures 48~53 x 34~38 x 20~24cm
SIZE M for 24~25″luggage measure 58~63 x 38~44 x 22~26cm
SIZE L for 28~29″luggage measure 68~73 x 46~52 x 28~34cm - TS-701
SIZE S for 20~22″luggage measure : 50 x 37 x 24cm
SIZE M for 24~26″luggage measure : 60 x 42 x 30cm
SIZE L for 27~28″luggage measure : 70 x 46 x 35cm - TS-801
SIZE S for 20inch luggage measure 50 x 36 x 23cm
SIZE M for 24inch luggage measure 60 x 42 x 27cm
SIZE L for 28inch luggage measure 68 x 50 x 30cm
SIZE S is for carry-on and price common at W16,000
SIZE M W17,000 and L W19,000 with almost 10% discount depending on Korean On-Line market place //
( End of November User Review ) the verdict is in after 2~3 flights around the Orient over the Summer !
- first-off, material : their rather thick textile originally used for camping tent material, and sturdy sewing done here in South Korea is incomparable to, and much superior than similar luggage covers made in neighboring China, even from American brand-names .
- second, size : their smallest ‘S’ for carry-ons tend to be a tad small, but fit very tight if you can push it all-in . other two larger ‘M’ and ‘L’ sizes fit about any brand on 24 and 28 inch check-in luggages . the only down-side is that they don’t offer the semi-large 26 inch models, leaving you choices between the 24 inch ‘M’ ones with elastic sides, OR 28 inch intended ‘L’ with ties on the sides or back .
- the ties seem quite thin and weak on the models they have on, and one did get lost after a flight – for just imagine how these strings can get stuck or cut while hurdling along-side so many luggages before and after flights //
- so my choice is now the last model above, which does NOT have any adjusting ties, so you are on your own on 26 inch luggages – which they don’t have a fitting size for //
– Korea Expat BLog –