GwangMyeong iKEA Access Hotel

as iKEA outlets huge taking-up prime real estate property thus expected to be in out-of-hub areas : transportation comes as prime concern . and although the first branch is now located in an express train hub, it still is not a major one – almost a vast empty space prior to the arrival of similar shopping giants like Lotte OutLet and CostCo which took up closer positions to its KTX bullet train stations earlier . and some serious shoppers would consider even stopping over-night at a nearby lodging also if you come from far such as Southern provinces of DaeJeon, DaeGu, Busan or GwangJu .

on-start, the good news is that there is a deluxe hotel in the same large complex West of GwangMyeong KTX Train Station, expect to open in a couple of years . but until then a handful of hotels not quite close may have to suffice . first-off : iKEA is in the large shopping complex West of the again huge train station but is not directly inter-connected to it nor right next doors, so best take a shuttle bus for a few stops or a short walk . then take note that GwangMyeong is only two major stop South of the Capital of SEOUL accessible via KTX bullet train in 15 minutes flat, and about a dozen stops by Metropolitan Subway Line 1 in about 30 minutes . so for people from SEOUL it is best to just hop on KTX which goes South-West – as it is not accessible via the earlier and more common route South to KangNam then onto the vast satellite city of BunDang .

to begin : there are quite a number of the new term in smaller residence-hotels around SEOUL Train Station – mostly just West of it around its rear exit which cost around W40,000 a night . aside from that I recommend three deluxe hotels on its train route to GwangMyeong – all deluxe hotels operated by a Global brand, to rid of any language problems as well as universal comfort . will begin North with the closest to SEOUL station, and counting down South to GwangMyeong (click to enlarge map)
150308 iKEA hotels AriB
[ iNDEX ]


(A) Marriott closest to SEOUL, is with the most high-class shopping right in the new Times Square Mall complex which is right at YongDeungPo Subway Station Exit 4. perhaps only lacking a swimming pool .

(B) Sheration is just one subway station down (although these section out of downtown is all above-ground rest of the way) at ShinDoRim connected to Exit 1, and right above D Cube Mall with another huge electronics-dedicated (but selling others as business is bad) TechnoMart right across from the railroad . also with a classy swimming pool 😉

(C) Novotel is the only one not with immediate subway nor railroad access, and a 10-minute walk East from DokSan Station Exit 1. and could be easily stated : in the middle of no-where, thus would normally stay here only if you have business appointments the the neighborhood . but is the geographically closest of mentioned hotels to iKEA to take a taxi (about W6,000 for roughly 20 minutes) if you plan on buying lots, as iKEA itself too is not directly connected to a train station . also is the only hotel mentioned here NOT in a shopping complex but is in the same block as HomePlus supermart as well as Hi-Mart electronics discount outlet, and also a Post Office . is the most humble and thus cheapest here, but still has a swimming pool although not lavish as Marriott far above //


[ Over-All ]
note some KTX stop at YongDeungPo (Marriott) but only other express or local trains stop at ShinDoRim (Sheraton) and DokSan (Novotel).

prices differ among Season and discount but at its lowest : Marriott can be had at around W120,000; Sheraton W220,000 and Novotel W100,000 per night


to-date March 2015 : above three are the only choice of deluxe international-caliber hotels with easy, simple access to iKEA GwangMyeong . ofcourse you could search for hotels in overtly-business Yoido island or even downtown SEOUL but will have to change subway lines, take a taxi on the way or walk a bit //

– Korea Expat BLog –

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