Korea Expat BLog

MoleSkin StarBucks 2015 Diary Planner

2014-11-22-14-50-18c600x1067mos26SegoeP StarBucks have a nice Christmas present event over the Korean Peninsula this year . they are not actually giving-out but making a choice of limited-edition MoleSkin diary planner and note, notepad or notebook available for either accumulated points or purchase 😉

quite popular throughout On-Line communities and resale forums, that individual or several points as well as exchanged-for diaries, planners or notebooks are exchanged and sold extensively onto this Winter .

Previewed dates : October 30 ~ until January 7, 2015 but may end early

Points needed : 3 red cups and 14 white cups for a total of 17 icons, or You can purchase either for a whopping W28,000 each
– all supposed to be available at any StarBucks branch throughout South Korea, but I have found some does not have all choices .

Choices :

  • small lime or red-color Daily diary/planner
    size : 9 x 14cm in 400 pages
  • large red or black Weekly diary/planner
    size : 13 x 21cm in 240 pages
  • large black Weekly notebook

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and remember : each comes with

♡ a cutsey little accumulative cup-card (empty without any points)

♡ gift pouch resembling small version of Santa’s present bag in either white or red 😉

♡ not sure, but there is supposed to be some sort of a coupon inside the binded dairy ..

nice, but at some branches : You have to ask for the extras //



[ Korea Expat BLog review ]

Hor-ray ! to both prestigious brands on the size and selection of colors, plus efficiently diverse choice of Daily, Weekly, Monthly and NoteBook options 😉

How-ever they could have done without the few flimsy photo sections – quite meaningless and cheap-looking due to its inferior paper quality -_-

over-all : the gift set as a package and each choice look brand-itemishly nice, but the inside of each diary/planner looks very poor – the paper is not made of generously thick MoleSkin material, but cheap and thin ivory paper found on no-brand local diaries and planners, found at any stationery store .

.. Ouk-Kay, now lemme jot down : “write today’s inserp on my BLog ..”



Just want to ask if I want to purchase only the planner, does it cost 27,500 KRW for all colors and types?

Thank you. 🙂

Merry Christmas and the price is the same for all size and calendar types, although some branches seem to be missing all choices as the year ends (the sale Officially ends the first Week of January 2015, but left to be seen). but all or partial StarBucks points needed to exchange for this, as well as the planners themselves are actively sold and bought on many On-Line used products forums – where you have to have local citizenship or foreigners registration to become a member .

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