pronounciation but more-so English spelling is a confusing mess while translating an Oriental word, especially of places even landmarks onto Western languages . as what used to be simple pronounciation jot-down before the Korean War has become set in some irregular way from about the 1988 SEOUL Olympics when certain authorities sought the need to regulate official spellings . thus the well-known Southern port city of Pusan has become Busan, and the classic fashion mecca of MyungDong : MyeongDong and the old downtown center of JongRo here : into JongNo -_-
at the entrance to this JongNo area stands an old Korean-style open-house with a bell set about 1600, after its original structure and bell from about 1400 was destroyed with the Japanese invasion . it is national treasure No.1 and the very site citizens gather to pray for happiness on New Years .
JongNo Tower building is connected to Subway Line 1 JongGak Station Exits 3 and 3-1 . the buffet grill restaurant is located high-up above that vacuum on the 33rd floor with menus shown on their Official website in Korean and English .
- Cafe & Bar noon ~ midnight
- Grill noon to 2:30pm and 6pm until 10pm
- Semi Buffet noon to 2pm and 6pm until 8:30
- first-off : the location is a breeze, as one of the Millennium SEOUL land-mark high-up you can see from anywhere in central downtown . plus it is connected to the Capitals central subway station and walking distance from others passing through this old metropolis .
- but in all : “having-been there” is about the only reason you would go there, for the view is bird’s-eye but all you see is endless buildings as others in the vicinity is catching-up on height as Millennium ripens,
- and food is below-par compared to deluxe-class hotels, understandably as the range of price is quite lower – even a bargain if you consider its prime location and grande view .
[ PDP Wine ] the company is part of an old-school family business comprising natural food brands as well as wine shop and school . they also operate a smaller-scale but buffet grill but on a similar high-rise building again in a major intersection on the Western quarter of the Capital, yet close enough to be still part of the old downtown SEOUL – similarly named Top Cloud 23 😉
– Korea Expat BLog –