sandwiched between two major shopping Months of October with Korean ThanksGiving when the most sacred food of all – beef is exchanged as lavish gifts amounting to traditional bribes, and December with Christmas : local super-marts have claimed November the ideal time to sell-off stock and mostly Korean beef . with strict quality control : local Korean beef is deemed as the best and quite expensive, while consumers prefer Australian on imports than American due to past epidemic scare .
and on the first WeekEnd of November, to coincide with landing of Apple’s iPhone 6 and Plus : larger conglomerate-operated super-marts are having a big sale . out of this HomePlus takes a generous 40% OFF on all kinds of variety on their Korean beef along with pork too ! ofcourse all of these mega-marts deliver same-or-next day from their locations throughout the Peninsula, but they sell-out fast so you might have to visit and pick it up yourself . along with the ritual credit card discounts and periodical coupons : you might be able to save quite a bit 😉