the new epidome of cheap clothing for consumers : DooTa soars behind the old whole-sale apparel building of PyeongHwa Market
Koreans go on Summer vacation NOT as long as the French, nor as a front-revenge to incoming American tourists, but because for a nation with distinct FOUR Seasons : mid-Summer heat is unbearable in the city and it is much efficient for all business and factories to take time off at the same time . thus major vacation migration begins last Week of July to smooth off by mid-August . destination was overtly onto the port city of Busan or Pusan at the South-Eastern tip of the Peninsula when the nation was developing latter half of 1900’s, but all three shores have become quite developed there are much more choices Post-Millennium with more affordable sites in South-East Asia .
as an industry that rides with changing Seasons : apparel district take on more meaning on vacation dates, for all Summer stock has to be cleared before, and Fall line to start when returning to re-open . so most buildings – of which the whole form the cluster of DongDaeMun apparel whole-sale market – close in synchronation, with some differing to take this time to refurbish and/or re-model its floors .
mentioned here are mostly whole-sale buildings, but also a few larger ones adhering to general consumers,
and as always geographically from West and clock-wise :
*following dates deem true August 2 Friday evening ..
- DongDaeMun General Market (Textile Market) : closed August 4 Sunday ~ 7 Wednesday,
- Shoes Market : August 12 Monday ~ 17 Saturday, to re-open 19th Monday 2am
- Tong-il Market : August 13 Tuesday ~ 19 Monday, re-opening at evening
- PyeongHwa Market : August 14 Wednesday ~ 19 Monday, to re-open 19th evening 10pm
- Doota : August 12 Monday ~ 15 Thursday,
- Migliore : August 19 Monday ~ 23 Friday,
- DongHwa Market : August 4 Sunday ~ 7 Wednesday,
- Hello APM : August 20 Tuesday ~ 23 Friday,
- Good Morning City : August 13 Tuesday ~ 16 Friday,
- Lotte Fit-in : open through-out
ChungGae 6GaJi Under-Ground Shopping Center (passage-way between WEST and CENTRAL BLOCKS) : open through-out
- Shin PyeongHwa Fashion Town : August 11 Sunday ~ 19 Monday, to re-open 19th evening 9pm (ground floor opens in the morning)
- Max Style : August 14 Wednesday ~ 18 Sunday,
- NamPyeongHwa
– under-ground (bags) : August 10 Friday ~ 19 Monday, to re-open 19th morning 6am
– 2nd & 3rd floors (apparel) : same above to re-open 19th evening 8pm - Jae-il PyeongHwa : August 10 Saturday 5pm (or 11th) ~ 18 Sunday, to re-open 19th morning 9am
- GwangHee Fashion Mall
– underground, ground & 2nd floors : August 11 Sunday ~ 17 Saturday, to re-open 17th morning 9pm
– 3~5 floors Queens Square : August 4 Sunday ~ 11 Sunday, to re-open 12th evening 8pm - Area 6 : August 10 Saturday ~ 18 Sunday, to re-open 19th morning 9pm
- U:US (pronounced You’ers) : renewal construction July 9 Tuesday ~ August 11 Sunday,
with vacation : August 3 Saturday ~ 11 Sunday, to re-open 12th evening 8pm
- DongPyeongHwa : August 12 Monday ~ 17 Saturday, to re-open 17th morning 9am,
while underground floor re-opens 18th evening - Art Plaza : August 10 Saturday ~ 18 Sunday, to re-open 19th evening 8pm
- Studio W : August 10 Saturday ~ 18 Sunday, to re-open 19th evening 8pm
- W Fashion Mall : August 11 Sunday ~ 17 Saturday,
- HaeYang Elicium : August 3 Saturday ~ 11 Sunday, to re-open 12th evening 9pm
- Techno : August 11 Sunday ~ 18 Sunday, to re-open 18th evening 9pm
- ChungPyeongHwa : August 12 Monday ~ 17 Saturday, to re-open 18th evening 11:50pm
- TheOT : August 12 Monday ~ 18 Sunday, to re-open 18th evening 11:50pm
- Team 204 : August 3 Saturday ~ 11 Sunday, to re-open 12th evening 9pm
- Golden Town : August 1 Thursday ~ 5 Monday,
- Designer Club : August 3 Saturday ~ 11 Sunday, to re-open 12th evening 9pm
- NuZone : August 3 Saturday ~ 11 Sunday, to re-open 12th evening 9pm
- APM/Lux : August 2 Friday ~ 11 Sunday, to re-open 12th evening 8pm
– Korea Expat BLog –
12.12.28 DongDaeMun Apparel WholeSale Market
14.7.2 DongDaeMun East Gate Market Open Hours
12.12.28 DongDaeMun FAQ
13.8.3 DongDaeMun MAP
13.9.13 DongDaeMun Market SEOUL ChuSeok ThanksGiving Holidays Closed Dates 2013
DongDaeMun Market SEOUL ChuSeok ThanksGiving Holidays Closed Dates 2013
Hi, please can you post the summer vacation break for 2018?