all dates below from Official notices, as always clock-wise from North-West to South-East :
[ NORTH-WEST] ( top-photo : mammoth bedding and fabric building which really is a maze, just behind the NEW JW Marriott DongDaeMun Square SEOUL Hotel )
[ NORTH-EAST] ( toys, shoes, birds and aquarium on the Northern bank of CheongGaeCheon waterways East-ward from the actual ancient East Gate “DongDaeMun” )
Shoes Market (is the third long-narrow building East of the classic East Gate monument along the Northern bank of CheongGaeCheon waterways)
– closes August 4 Sunday until 11 Sunday for 8 full days.
CheongGae 6-Ga UnderGround Shopping Center (just South of DongDaeMun Subway Station) closes August 5 Monday ~ 8 Thursday .
[ WEST BLOCK ] (mostly tall, consumer-oriented buildings where some need bargaining)
PyeongHwa Clothing Market (the oldest and most famous classic building) : will close August 10 Saturday 6pm, to re-open 18 Sunday 10pm.
Tong-il SangGa (Re-Unification Market) is a bit different/difficult, as :
– apparel section will close August 3 Saturday to re-open 11 Sunday night, while
– accessories section will close from August 3 Saturday to 7 Wednesday .
DongHwa SangGa (East Flower Market) : will close only THREE days during August 5 Monday until 7 Wednesday – understandable as its in a posh real-estate area with tons of Chinese tourists passing-by ~
HyunDai Outlet City DongDaeMun Branch don’t close Jesus
Doota : closes August 1 Thursday until 4 Sunday .
Migliore : closed August 19 Monday ~ 23 Friday .
Good Morning City : closed August 5 Monday~8 Thursday .
[ EAST BLOCK ] ( whole-sale, mostly open at nights )
ShinPyeongHwa Fashion Town (simply called NEW Peace Market in Korean) : will close August 3 Saturday 5pm, to re-open 11 Sunday 9pm
NamPyeongHwa Sanga (translates into South Peace Market, which is a whole building adjacent to the flowing CheongGaeCheon water-ways) : closes August 3 Saturday to re-open
– 2nd & 3rd Floors, apparel from 11 Sunday 8pm
– BF and Ground Floors, bags from 12 Monday 6am
Max Style under building re-modeling .
Jeil PyeongHwa ShiJang (First Peace Market) to close August 3 Saturday to re-open 10 Saturday evening .
GwangHee Fashion Mall : closed from August 3 Saturday to re-open 12 Monday evening .
BelPost : close August 3 Saturday to re-open 12 Monday morning .
DongPyeongHwa Fashion Town (just called East Peace Market in Korean): under-ground closes August 3 Saturday to re-open 11 Sunday evening,
while upper floors 1~4 (in Korea : Ground Floor is 1st Floor) closes 4 Sunday to re-open 12 Monday morning .
Art Plaza : closes August 4 Sunday to re-open 12 Monday evening .
AllNeo-W (wickedly pronounced Olleo-W) closes August 3 Saturday to re-open 12 Monday evening .
SeoPyeongHwa SangGa (West Peace Market, which is actually on the East sector of the whole market area) under building re-modeling .
Elysium : closes August 3 Saturday to re-open 12 Monday evening .
Techno Sanga (Tech Market and no it’s NOT electronics) will close for TWO Weeks, and BF FOUR to renew their building interior :
– Upper Floors to close August 3 Saturday 6am and re-open 18 Sunday 11pm.
– UnderGround B Floor closed August 27 Saturday 6am and will open again on 25 Sunday 11pm.
ChungPyeongHwa Shijang (Blue Peace Market) will close August 5 Monday to re-open 11 Sunday 11:50pm.
Theot : from August 4 Sunday to re-open 11 Sunday evening 11:50pm.
DDP (DongDaeMun Plaza) Fashion Mall formerly U:US will close August 3 Saturday ~ 11 Sunday .
Team204 : close August 3 Saturday to re-open 11 Sunday evening .
Nuzzon Fashion Mall : closes August 3 Saturday to re-open 12 Monday evening
Designer Club : close from August 3 Saturday until 11 Sunday evening .
Golden Town : Closed August 5 Monday ~ 8 Thursday .
APM Lux : closed from August 3 Saturday until 11 Sunday .
APM Fashion Mall : closed August 3 Saturday ~ 11 Sunday .
[ SOUTH-WEST ] ( newer consumer retail buildings )
- Hello APM : close August 13 Tuesday ~ 16 Friday .
- Lotte Fit-in : OPEN THROUGH-OUT !
[ SOUTH-WEST ] ( newer buildings )
APM Place : closed August 3 Saturday ~ 11 Sunday .
– last update July 31 night 2019, Korea Expat BLog
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