Korea Expat BLog


Fore-most I Thank this opportunity to recall Post-Modern mankind’s favourite movies of all movies : Casablanca 1942 . and to that tune it starts, with all so-familiar names and places, down to the very last scene – when the righteous misses “the” plane to freedom, although the infiltrators seem to go in-and-out of enemy territory pretty often and easily throughout the movie . so even there are high’s and low’s as all my movie reviews, this one’s a Go ~ no-matter-what //

[ The High Point ]

  1. The movie starts with a cool parachute landing scene, as lone as the bicycle pick-up scene of Black Hawk Down 2001
  2. No-doubt Brad Pitt is suave enough to pass as the modern Humphrey Bogart, Marion Cotillard is the short straw although magnificent acting
  3. The shooting practice as well as the actual assassination scene is a perfect Bonny and Clyde remake – albeit, too easy a job for Black Hawk Down standards though .

[ Then The Low ]

  1. The common problem with movies involving language sequence, awkward moments abound when Brad Pitt is numb trying to act as a fluent French-speaking Parisien //
  2. Nope the poker card-shuffling is going too long, thus a put-off if not a prelude to a comedy,
  3. Although they mention it twice during the course of the movie, and which will act as the catalyst of the story : I wish she would have played La Marseillaise on the piano for .. “Here’s Looking at you, kid”

Noteable clauses :

  1. “Come with me to London and be my Wife”
  2. “You’re a bloody fool – marriages made in the field, never work”

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