Korea Expat BLog

Movies for Record Drought Korea

So it is man’s nature to seek God in times of extreme, queer weather . For technology, nomatter how many a advance super-computers the government of one of the most advanced nation on Planet Earth bestows upon its Meteorological Administration : the forecast keep missing the point, in saying it will rain at least and then the unbearable heat will plummet ..

The rain story has been going for about a Month before the recent heat story, and finally today evening on August 25 Thursday 2016 in record : the temperature feels to be going down a couple of degrees . ofcourse you couldn’t watch movies for it was all stored in your hard-drive which you should’ve turned-off all throughout this unprecedented heat-wave, when you should have done all your work (so no play) on your laptop or notebook .


Here Korea Expat BLog proudly recommends watching three mighty movies about greed, rain and flood where I have left-out sea-farring adventure, cruise and war movies because this is bigger than that .

  1. Hard Rain 1998
  2. The Perfect Storm 2000
  3. Exodus Gods and Kings 2014
  4. Noah 2014
  5. The Finest Hours 2016



– Korea Expat BLog –

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